Tuesday 14 February 2012

Answers to the exercises - 4th ESO

1.- 2. for / 3. since / 4. since / 5. for
2.- 2. How long have you lived in your flat?
     3. How long has he been here?
     4. How long has Luisa worked at the school?
     5. How long have the students known each other?
3.- 2. I've already seen that DVD.
     3. I've just finished my homework.
     4. We've already visited London, Oxford and Bath.
     5. We haven't arrived at our station yet.
4. 2. Correct
    3. Kate didn't come to see the film with us yesterday.
    4. I've never had so much food in my life.
    5. I have lived in the same street all my life.
    6. Correct
    7. I learnt to ski when I was six.
5. 2. have just done / 3. hasn't done / 4. met / 5. failed / 6. hasn't eaten / 7. left 

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